What They Said.....

What did they said/comments about their band mates..??

Let's Start wif the senioorrr D'DruMMeR Mr.Ewan.. What did they said about Him.. Ermmm??

Ewan - D'DruMMeR

Liza - Hard headed, gud in back-up’ing’ haha, heavy smoker, obsess in carss thingy, mulut ‘belabih’ a.k.a ‘laser’ but above all he’s so loving n deep inside of him his very fragile..true!

Faizal - creative in everything a.k.a org istimewa in d’madley n our ants in d’band

Pojee - good sense of humor, friendly, cool and FUCKING FUNNY!

Ejoy - Cool!! Funny!!sooo in love with cars..

Reyd - A good mentor in advising...sharing xperience and givin some tips...thx bro.


Liza - D'VoCaLisT

Ewan - Good…LoveLy..Caring..nyanyah kuat begosip =p

Faizal - gossip garl tahap maksima hahah n she’s a very2 gud singer

Pojee - annoying, funny but still annoying and kindness that she had but still annoying.

Ejoy - Beautifull! best vocalist!! sooo mature!!a very nice person..=)

Reyd - My voice and performance master...she's happy-go-lucky and moody for sometym

Next will be.....
Faizal - D'BaSSiSt

Ewan - Funny, psycho, crazy, the best “shit” ever.., food maniac and he’s our music constructor.. =p

Liza - The joker in the band.. suka gulung-gulung rambutnya time jamming, garu-garu pala lau ngusut or sasak.. haha Best bassist n kuat menyampok lau urg berceta!!

Pojee - good sense of humor, friendly, cool and FUCKING FUNNY!

Ejoy - crazy!!funny!!annoying sumtimes..very gud in musics..our tong sampah.

Reyd - Our sifu...have to listen clearly of wat he said..must obey or get scold.Huhu.Tapi gila2 la...funny tahap mampus.

.....N e X t.....

Pojee - D'GuiTaRiSt

Ewan - PENYALURU, a bit lag but that’s fine with us as long he got the rhythm , he’s crazy and playfool and also a fool..hahahahahahaha =p

Liza - One of our ‘Internet’ in the band, he owes faster than Faizal in spreading news..hahaha, proud to see him getting better n better in playing guitar..Two Thumbs Up!

Faizal - he’s a gud guitarist now than before……rajin ni c’awg pojee ani

Ejoy - wooohhaaa he's very annoying..but in deep inside of him..he is very nice & luvly =)

Reyd - Haha...sometym ok..sometym nda sal buli aku ja..haha.But he's great guitar master...sntiasa snyum..cool.

Ya...Seterusnya......kamu2 sekalian, satu2nya urg 'indon' ciplak dalam band kami..hahahaha

Ms.....Ejoy D'Keybordist

EjoY - D'KeYboaRdiST

Ewan - the “ketek”, twahahahahaha… she’s funny, very lah lazer orangnya.. good in keyboard…hahaha =p

Liza - urg paling manja dalam band, very friendly, easy to get along with, ada bantal ‘bucuk’ called Nana, haha BUT unluckily her mums washed her Nana..ilang bau bucuk… Sabar ja joy ah!

Faizal - as she say gua tong smpah mereka.n mereka is my sampah hahah.reading note kaliah joy ani

Pojee - Friendly, happy go lucky, childish, cool and annoying.

Reyd - I jz meet her...friendly giler..always smiling jua bah..

n LastLy.....

ReYd - D'VoCaLisT

Ewan - Pendiam tahap kritikal..nice voice…and ia suka langap2 mulutnya bila angan2..wahahahaha

Liza - He has a ‘tone’ which is very pleasant to listen to.. Pendiam, pemalu sumtime, fast learner, salu btanya if nda tau.. (malu bertanya sesat jalan)

Faizal - good singer but still blur with all d’song that played by d’madley

Pojee - quiet and ok ok lah~

Ejoy - luvly =)..he is very nice..pendiammm jugak hehe

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